Top 5 Strategies to Protect Crops from Wild Animals

Most farmers plan their potential yields before the start of each season. Some farmers, however, prefer to not plan. No matter how a farmer plans for the potential yield, there are certain expectations. Farmers can hope for the best but often face many challenges and obstacles that force them to question their productivity and eventual success. Crop protection from diseases, pests and weeds is of paramount importance. This includes protection from unfavorable events like hail or frost. These are all well-known challenges and are often discussed. Farmers also have another challenge that is often overlooked or not understood: wild animal crop protection.

Strategies to Control Wildlife on Your Farm

Farmers around the world face many challenges due to wild animals. Deer, wild pigs, rabbits, moles, skunks, and even elephants or monkeys can cause severe damage to crops. They eat plant parts and trample on fields.

Wild animals can cause significant yield loss and create additional financial problems. Wildlife removal and management is a delicate matter, and only professionals know how to safely take care of the issue. An expert will thoroughly inspect the property and find the best solution for proper crop protection.

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Top Five Strategies to Protect Crops from Wild Animals

The following five technologies are used by successful farmers to ensure wild animal crop protection:

Protecting crops from wild animals is a challenge that many farmers face. There are several strategies that can be employed, as outlined in this comprehensive guide. However, when the situation becomes too overwhelming, it’s advisable to seek professional help. For those in the Mississauga area, pest control Mississauga offers expert services to effectively manage and control pest invasions.

Fences for agriculture

Fencing is a popular way to deter wild animals and can be used for many years.  Aside from being a deterrent, fences are also made to protect farm animals and livestock. Horse fencing, for example, keeps horses safe and prevents them from running off. Agricultural fencing is a very effective way to protect wild animals. Fences are often restricted in some countries. Certain types of fences may be restricted or prohibited by local or state authorities. Before you decide on the right fence for you, make sure to review local laws and regulations. The material used and the structure of the fencing will determine its quality. Some permanent fences for private properties from Timber Ridge Fence Company can last for up to 30 years depending on how they are made and what they are made from. These are the most common types of fences used by farmers:

    • Wire fences are made of metal wires that are woven together to form a physical barrier. These fences are durable, effective, and require very little maintenance. They are not recommended for protection of high-value crops as they can be costly.
    • Polypropylene fences and plastic fences are typically less expensive than other types and are easier to set up and maintain. These fences are also widely accepted and comply with various regulations. They are also susceptible to wild animal crop damage and have a short life span of up to 10 years.
    • Rabbit fencing are designed to inflict animals that come into contact with the fence. This prevents animals from getting across the fence. These fences can be used to protect crops and are durable. Prices vary depending on what type of area you are looking to protect. It is important to ensure that fences are permitted for use in an area and protect endangered species before purchasing them. To prevent human contact, fences should be marked with a warning sign.

Natural repellents

Some farmers prefer to use natural resources over chemical or mechanical protection methods. There are many ways to reduce crop losses from wild animals.

    • Smoke; in some areas, farmers may use elephant dung or other materials to create heavy smoke.
    • Natural emulsion for garlic or fish; repels deer and rabbits
    • Beehive fencing For instance, elephants are repelled by the sound honey bees make; this practice is advantageous as it provides an additional source of income
    • Chili peppers. The chemical Capsaicin is what makes chili peppers heat. It’s an effective repellent against wild animals like elephants, monkeys and squirrels. Farmers who grow chili peppers will also enjoy an additional source of income.
    • Soybean, soybean, peas and beans repel rabbits well and can also be used as an income source.
    • Egg-based repellent; homemade repellent against deer
    • Castor oil; repels burrowing animals like moles
    • Use chemical repellents which include active substances like Butanethiol and Anthraquinone to keep wild animals from crop fields.

Barriers biophysical

Similar to traditional fencing, but made from natural, easily renewable materials like bamboo sticks, coconut tree bunches or other shrubs. They are low-cost and efficient in protecting crops from wild animals.

Electronic repellents

It is also an eco-friendly, long-lasting and effective method of crop protection that does not harm animals. The following electronic repellents are used by farmers:

Ultrasonic electronic repellent: Silent to Humans, High-frequency sound waves repel wild animals

Sonic electronic repellent: Audible loud sound that scares away animals

Protecting Wild Animal Crops with Quality ensures a High Yield

Some farmers also rely on scarecrows and firecrackers. Farmers who are successful will continue to monitor their fields and practice crop protection measures. Keeping an eye on everything is the best way for you to ensure that it all goes according to plan.

Some farmers combine several crop protection strategies in an effort to maximize crop protection. Modern farm technology researchers are also working on new solutions. These solutions include the use of computers, cameras, and robots to protect plants against wild animals. Farmers can practice the strategies mentioned above while they wait for more advanced technology to be available to protect their crops.

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