What You Should Know About Global Citizenship

Students today are more globalized than ever before, yet despite all of the travel posts and snapshots exploding across social media feeds, it may still be challenging for them to comprehend experiences and perspectives that differ from their own.

The global citizenship is an increasingly prominent concept being taught in today’s classrooms, yet what exactly does it entail?

  1. Learn about other cultures

Becoming an effective global citizen means studying other cultures. This can be achieved by engaging in conversation with people from other nationalities, traveling and studying abroad – activities offered at Dwight Global are designed to promote this learning through its international faculty and student bodies, international campuses and study abroad programs.

Global citizens look beyond their backyard, realizing that events in one area may affect another even if the effects aren’t immediately obvious. They possess skills necessary for communicating cross-culturally, understanding that cultural differences don’t correspond to differing worldviews; this leads to empathy and the willingness to collaborate across groups.

  1. Travel

Travel is an invaluable way to gain an insight into other cultures, so it is imperative that global citizens understand the significance of traveling responsibly – they should not perceive themselves as tourists and strive to integrate themselves in different cultures rather than simply visit them for sightseeing purposes.

People taking steps towards sustainability could donate used items or seek out environmentally-friendly hotels, recycle more frequently, avoid plastic bags altogether and switch to using reusable water and coffee cups.

GVI also offers international volunteer programs that enable participants to immerse themselves in another culture and make long-term impacts, creating a deeper understanding of world issues and making less easily misled by media disinformation. Furthermore, these experiences equip them with skills needed for future careers in tourism and hospitality industries.

  1. Learn a new language

Many colleges and universities incorporate global citizenship into their mission statements or internationalization and liberal education efforts, offering their students study abroad opportunities as well as cultural exchange programs that enable them to interact with people from different nations.

Global citizenship as a concept encourages the development of problem-solving skills applicable across cultures, while simultaneously building bridges rather than walls between people due to differences. Furthermore, it fosters collaboration.

As part of your effort to become a global citizen, one effective means is learning another language. Not only will this help with business opportunities; but it will also increase cultural sensitivity and broaden your horizons about the world we live in. Furthermore, language allows you to connect with people from other cultures while sharing what knowledge you possess with them.

  1. Reduce your waste

Teaching students to become global citizens is an excellent way to equip them with the tools needed for lifelong success. Students will develop empathy, an appreciation of others, and greater responsibility, while being better prepared for an ever-more globalized world that could assist their professional careers.

Beginning to teach our children global consciousness begins by stimulating their natural sense of curiosity about other cultures and problems afflicting other countries. One effective approach would be encouraging children to learn more about each culture or issue encountered during travels abroad.

At home and school, it’s also essential that students discuss ways they can become more eco-conscious – such as recycling, reducing waste and energy conservation – with one another and helping make our world better place. You could encourage them to volunteer their time or become advocates for environmental causes.

  1. Volunteer

“Global Citizen” may seem like an overused term in our travel-obsessed culture, but its meaning goes far beyond collecting new stamps or sharing holiday pictures on social media. Being a global citizen means understanding (and adhering to) an essential set of values in today’s interdependent globalized world.

Global citizens value cultural diversity and human rights. They demonstrate empathy toward causes and suffering globally and strive to bring about change through various means.

At Dwight Global, we offer engaging opportunities that support students as they develop into global citizens and appreciate the bigger picture. We provide teachers with ways to integrate global learning into classroom activities as well as inspiring ways for students to take action at scale.

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