Ways to Save Energy on Aircon

There are many fascinating and entertaining things to do throughout the summer. Activities like baseball games, backyard barbecues, and pool parties are all a part of this. The blazing heat, on the other hand, is not a positive aspect at this time of year. In light of this, it’s understandable if you want to avoid leaving the house on warm summer days.

During the warmer months, the expense of running your air conditioner may add up quickly. A lot of your monthly energy expenditure probably goes toward keeping your home at a comfortable temperature. As a result, it is also one of the most expensive items to run. About 3.5 kilowatt hours (or 3,500 watts) of electricity are required to keep the system operational each hour.

The good news is that there are numerous strategies you may employ to improve the efficiency of your air conditioner and reduce your energy bills throughout the summer. Here are six tried and true strategies for minimising your air conditioner’s seasonal impact on the environment and your wallet.

  • Correct Installation:

This is the simplest approach to lower your air conditioning costs. A poorly installed air conditioner will have to work harder than necessary, shortening its lifespan and increasing your monthly electricity bill. Hire a professional technician to conduct the setting up every time. A neighbourhood handyman probably won’t do a good job if you hire him.

In the worst circumstances, improper installation can potentially void your guarantee. Socool Pte Ltd offer stress-free installation with guarantee that your air conditioner will serve you well for years to come. We advise having only a certified technician install your air conditioner. Consider hiring https://www.socool.sg/ for maintainance or any other problem related to AC.

  • Thermostat is Set Too Low:

Extremely high summer temperatures, often exceeding 40 degrees Celsius, are common. The air conditioner would have to work very hard if the temperature is kept below 18 degrees Celsius.

In a temperature range of 20-25 degrees Celsius, you would feel nice and cool. Consequently, there’s no need to reduce the thermostat setting any farther than is absolutely essential. By keeping the thermostat between 20 and 25 degrees, you can prevent the air conditioner from having to work excessively.

  • Saving energy is as Simple as Closing Doors and Turning Off Electronics:

Keeping the door closed around an air conditioner is a good idea. However, you should also ensure that the room’s windows are well sealed and that no cold air may escape. Close the blinds or curtains to prevent the room from being overheated and placing unnecessary strain on the air conditioner.

Appliances like the refrigerator, television, and computer all produce a great deal of heat, which forces the air conditioner to work harder than usual. Make sure they’re turned off before you turn on the air conditioner. Turn them back on once the room has cooled down. Also, while you’re at it, move the furniture away from the vents.

  • Energy Savings From Using a Fan in Conjunction with an Air Conditioner:

Even if you’re using an air conditioner, you should leave the ceiling fan on. Together, they maintain airflow and ensure that all areas of the room are kept comfortably cool. It also means you can stop turning down the heat.

Turn on the fan first to push the hot air out of the room, and then turn on the air conditioner for maximum efficiency with little power use.

  • Maintain Window Coverings:

If you have windows that let in lots of natural light, you can use it to warm up your home. The temperature in your room could rise by as much as 10 to 20 °F. It may also increase the effort required by your air conditioning system to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room.

Thus, using window treatments like shutters, roll-up shades, and curtains can assist mitigate solar heat input. The windows that receive the most direct sunlight should have blinds or drapes drawn. If you are away from home during the day, you are free to do so wherever in the house.

You can block the morning sun from entering your home by drawing the drapes over any east facing windows. In the afternoon, you can throw them open while keeping the west facing ones closed. 

  • Performing Routine Service and Maintenance:

Find out the manufacturer’s policy on servicing and maintenance when you purchase an air conditioner. Your air conditioner, like any other machine, requires routine maintenance. All parts are inspected, and any dust or debris is removed from the coils, during maintenance.

Oil and lubrication issues are also addressed and corrected. All of the work done during maintenance is geared toward lowering monthly utility costs. 

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