6 Things to Consider Before Choosing a Freestanding Bathtub for Your Modern Bathroom

Freestanding baths are becoming more and more common. They are now more widely available than ever, with models to suit all preferences and price ranges.

Freestanding bathtubs are striking additions to any bathroom’s decor. This is because of how contemporary and opulent they are. It is also because of how comfortable they are with designs that allow for leisurely enjoyment.

This article will focus on the freestanding bathtub and will look at some considerations. It will also discuss what you should make before installing a freestanding bathtub in your bathroom.

Choosing a Freestanding Bathtub for Your Modern Bathroom: Things to Bear in Mind

1. Bathroom Space

Examine your available space before deciding you want a bath. Study all the nooks and niches available where a freestanding bath can be placed. It can be placed under a window or in an alcove unless you have a truly roomy bathroom where you can position one without any difficulty.

2. Consider the Faucets

The type of faucet you want to add to your bathtub is important. This is a crucial detail that shouldn’t be ignored, whether it is on the edge of the bathtub, self-supporting (on the ground), or set into the wall.

The type of faucet you select can significantly alter the appearance of your bathtub and the quality of your bathing experience. Some examples of places to put the faucets are discussed below

Faucet on the edge of the bathtub: This style of faucet is the least expensive choice. It is also simple to install and makes plumbing accessible afterward. On one-piece models, nevertheless, it might not be possible to install this kind of faucet.

Self-supporting: This option is the most expensive and requires the most floor space in your bathroom. But it also has the most attractive appearance. You can insert a surface for storage space that will go well with the design of your bathroom.

Wall-mounted: When there isn’t much room, this is a great option, but the bathtub needs to be close to the wall so that the water stream will fall into the tub. If the plumbing for an alcove or corner bathtub has already been set up in this place, this alternative is especially practical.

3. Bathtub Weight

You generally don’t need to be concerned about this if you’re installing an acrylic freestanding tub. This is because acrylic freestanding tubs are lighter-weight on the ground floor.

However, if any of the following conditions apply:

  • The tub you are considering is greater than the typical size.
  • You prefer a heavier-weight bathtub material.
  • You plan to put the bathtub on a balcony or in a bathroom on an upper floor.

You must now perform some Bath Math. Calculate the weight of your selected bathtub once it is filled with water. Make sure to consider the bath’s weight while selecting the proper one. If you choose a heavy material like metal, cast iron, or a solid surface – both empty and full of water.

4. Bathroom Design

The challenging aspect now is choosing a design for your freestanding bathtub once you’ve decided where it will go. The ability to express your personality through the design makes this one of the most exciting aspects of selecting a bath, though.

These days, there are so many alternatives, from modern and opulent to classic and minimalist. Make your freestanding bathtub the center of attention in your bathroom by choosing a bold design.

Your freestanding bathtub design is all influenced by the materials used in its manufacture. Some examples of bathtub materials are listed below.

  • Acrylic: It is a lightweight, scratch-resistant material with a contemporary appearance. It is simple to maintain and repair. This is why acrylic freestanding tubs are very durable.
  • AcrylX TM: A specially applied acrylic finish that shines brighter than fiberglass. It keeps its factory-new appearance due to its UV resistance. Exclusive to the American Bath Group is this finish.
  • Fiberglass: This resin reinforced with fiberglass is flexible and light, as well as simple to maintain and mend.
  • Solid surface: This premium material (often offered in a matte or glossy finish) is made from a blend of resin and pure acrylic. It has the durability and appearance of stone without weight.
  • Cast iron: A bulky, strong, and long-lasting material that is also simple to clean and hard to scratch. However, this material is challenging to fix once it has been damaged. A cast iron bathtub offers a sophisticated, historic appearance.
  • Copper and stainless steel are stylish, low-maintenance materials that may be used in both traditional and contemporary settings. Water can stay at the same temperature for a longer period thanks to its heat conducting qualities.
  • Stone: It offers a bold, contemporary, and natural appearance that will remain for a very long time.

5. Bathtub Size

You should first analyze the available space to choose the ideal size for your freestanding soaking tub.  

Every home decorating relies heavily on size, which is still the key consideration when buying a bathtub. When selecting a bathtub, it’s important to keep in mind that there are too-big bathtubs as well as ones that fit you comfortably. Water waste could result from the tub having too many unnecessary areas.

If you plan to share the tub with a partner, a two-person soaking tub is a great choice. The bathtub shouldn’t be too small.

Keep in mind that bathrooms may require more space depending on the design you choose. Another typical error is that individuals merely measure the space where they plan to put the bath and neglect to account for the additional space that plumbing would require. You should consider more than just aesthetics while designing your environment.

As your bath must fit through the bathroom door, take many measurements of the area you have to work with. Also consider any other potential problems, such as the bath’s dimensions being larger than the door frame. Planning will avoid unpleasant surprises like unforeseen expenses.

6. Choose a Floor the Bathtub Can Support

You’ve decided on your preferred style of a freestanding soaking tub and a material that won’t break the bank. Additionally, you are aware of the bathtub’s intended placement in your bathroom.

Determine whether you might need to add more floor supports. Or you can switch to a different bathtub option because the one you desire will be too heavy for your bathroom.


Freestanding bathtubs are unique interior design features seen in many homes. The majority of homeowners purchase them not only to adorn the house but also to experience the freshness and tranquility that come with bathing.

However, there are some very important considerations you should make before purchasing one for your house. To avoid some damages, factors including the bathtub’s size, shape, material, and guarantee should all be taken into account.

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